everything comes back to attention-seeking. infants cry
because they need attention. this mindset carries on into
adulthood. many people join these movements for their own
social purposes, with no intention of actually solving a
problem. by latching onto a "marginalized" group, people begin
to view themselves as marginalized as well, and this self-pity
often acts as a magnet for attention. further, this becomes an
issue of purpose. as a well-to-do, politically connected, full-tuition
columbia student with everything practically spoonfed
throughout childhood, one will inevitably begin asking the
existential questions, and joining a protest that appears
to (at least superficially) have a real mission might fill that missing purpose.
nowhere is there an actual motivation to solve the problem.
in fact, if these conflicts magically disappeared overnight,
these student protest leaders would be left without
publicity, along with the power they wield within these
rebelling organizations. they are inclined to drag these
protests out as long as possible. this relates to
longshoremen issue in a way, need to discuss that later. so
at least among the leadership, the incentives do not point
toward solving these problems. expanding on "publicity",
this doesn't mean media coverage in the general sense, but
instead just increased attention in general (human nature).
this is actually just a variation of the trump effect. while
trump's camp argues that any of his failures are because he
is a martyr or victim to the system, youth protesters have
the same, dangerous ideology. especially considering that
the youth are not fully mentally developed, it is rash for
them to believe that any criticism of one's movement or
course of action is just unjustified persecution. however,
attention becomes a very territorial issue. hearing
criticism from another party might seem like the critic is
trying to take attention away from you, which could be why
there is so much hostility.
protests are also the worst possible choice for actually making
change, which is why i am more even inclined to believe that the
people in charge of these groups don't care about change at all.
in any given scenario, the opportunity cost of protesting is
always time and money that could be spent taking concrete action
to actually solve the problem. congratulations, you and 100
other high schoolers just walked out of class in support of
palestine. you have achieved nothing except wasting time that
could have been spent learning to prepare for future concrete
contributions for your cause, or even directly participating
now. same thing applies for university protests as well. schools
aren't going to stop investing in american weapons companies
just because some students were upset about it. protest is
futile. spend time on solutions, not complaining. this is especially true for the youth, because they have no
societal leverage. the women's suffrage movement triumphed
through protests because of the immense leverage they had - it
was during the height of world war one, when the entire
american economy rested on women's shoulders. their bargaining
position was as high as it could have been, while for the
youth of today, there is no negotiating power whatsoever. but
there is no way people do not know this. actually, these
specific protests are net negative to a pretty significant
degree. first, they unintentionally hurt and subsequently
alienate people that would otherwise have considered
supporting the cause. for example, the people who illegally
blocked off golden gate bridge did nothing except
draw hatred for the conflict. even people protesting at
schools only really make people think that their cause is
obnoxious. but worse, these protests are quickly fueled by the
herd mentality towards turning into blatant hate against
specific races/religions/groups of people, which is very
ironic. so this means people who protest (recall, people of
privilege) are actually so desperate for attention that they
are willing to sabotage their own "movement" by conducting
these net-negative protests, just because it feeds their own
attention-seeking desire. careful, then.